About Us
Ayamar Nautico was established in 2007 servicing marine supplies to the South Western Spanish region. Trading out of our shop by the marina in Ayamonte, we quickly gained a strong following with nautical professionals, amateur yachtsmen and women, and water sports enthusiasts as the go-to place for marine supplies.
The staff at Ayamar Nautico are experienced marine professionals, and we pride ourselves on offering free advice and knowledge on all things marine. We see this as a key part of running a successful chandlery business, which is why we have a healthy repeat business ratio and many satisfied customers.
In 2009 Ayamar Nautico launched a marine sales website that offered mail order to the whole of Spain and the Balearics. This year, we have updated the website and expanded this part of the business by increasing the range of products available online.
We sell everything for the sporting yachtsman and woman, and water-sport enthusiast. Besides carrying many of the popular brands, we also provide a bespoke stainless-steel construction service for, amongst other things, biminis and solar panel platforms; we also have access to skilled installation engineers with expertise in marine electrics/electronics and general coach-fitting. We have our own sail maker and seamstress who can complete orders for bimini canvases, upholstery, and general sail repairs.
We can source most marine products, and if you require anything specific that is not on our website, please contact us. We are here to help you. We pride ourselves on providing value-for-money as well as excellent customer service. We believe Ayamar Nautico is the best marine supplies portal in Spain, and with our shop being located on the border with Portugal and the Algarve, we have regular customers from the marinas and boat yards on the Algarve coast; many of our clients have been shopping with us right from the start in 2007.